Sunday, June 22, 2014

Scenarios for Advancing for Every Team in the World Cup

Here are the scenarios every team needs in the third round of group games to advance (if possible):

Group A
Brazil: Advances with win/draw vs Cameroon OR loss and Mexico win OR loss and Croatia win and win  goal differential
Mexico: Advances with win/draw vs Croatia OR loss and Cameroon win and win goal differential
Croatia: Advances with win vs Mexico OR draw and Cameroon win and win goal differential

Group B
Netherlands: Advances; 1st in group with win/draw vs Chile, 2nd in group with loss
Chile: Advances; 1st in group with win vs Netherlands, 2nd in group with draw/loss
Spain: Eliminated.

Group C
Colombia: Advances; almost certainly as 1st in group (only fall to 2nd with loss vs Japan and Ivory Coast win and lose goal differential)
Ivory Coast: Advances with win vs Greece OR draw and Colombia win/draw OR draw and Colombia loss (pending goal differential with Japan)
Japan: Advances with win vs Colombia and Greece win and better goal differential with Greece OR win and Ivory Coast/Greece draw and better goal differential with Ivory Coast
Greece: Advances with win vs Ivory Coast and Colombia win/draw OR win and Japan win and better goal differential with Japan

Group D
Costa Rica: Advances; likely as 1st in group (only fall to 2nd with loss vs England and Italy or Uruguay win and lose goal differential)
Italy: Advances with win/draw vs Uruguay
Uruguay: Advances with win vs Italy
England: Eliminated.

Group E
France: Advances with win/draw vs Ecuador as 1st in group, only is eliminated with loss and Switzerland win and massive change in goal differential
Ecuador: Advances with win vs France and Switzerland draw/loss OR win and Switzerland win and win goal differential OR draw and Switzerland loss OR draw and Switzerland draw OR loss and Switzerland loss and win goal differential
Switzerland: Advances with win vs Honduras and France win/draw OR win and France loss and win goal differential OR draw and France win OR loss and France win and win goal differential
Honduras: Advances with win and France win and win goal differential

Group F
Argentina: Advances; 1st in group with win/draw vs Nigeria, 2nd with loss
Nigeria: Advances with win/draw vs Argentina (as 1st with win, 2nd with draw) OR loss and Bosnia win/draw OR loss and Bosnia loss and win goal differential
Iran: Advances with win vs Bosnia and Argentina win and win goal differential
Bosnia-Herzegovina: Eliminated.

Group G
Germany: Advances with win/draw vs United States (as 1st in group) OR loss and Portugal draw OR loss and Portugal win and win goal differential OR loss and Ghana win and win goal differential
United States: Advances with win/draw vs Germany (1st in group with win, 2nd with draw) OR loss and Portugal draw OR loss and Portugal win and win goal differential OR loss and Ghana win and win goal differential
Ghana: Advances with win vs Portugal and Germany win and win goal differential OR win and United States win and win goal differential
Portugal: Advances with win vs Ghana and Germany win and win large goal differential OR win and United States win and win large goal differential

Group H
Belgium: Advances; likely as 1st in group, only falls to 2nd with loss vs South Korea and Algeria win and lose goal differential to Algeria
Algeria: Advances with win/draw vs Russia and Belgium win/draw OR draw and South Korea win and win goal differential
Russia: Advances with win vs Algeria and Belgium win/draw OR win and South Korea win and win goal differential
South Korea: Advances with win vs Belgium and Russia win and win goal differential OR win and Russia tie and win goal differential

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